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Online Therapy By BetterLYF

BetterLYF is the best Online Counseling on Chat, Call and Video Platform available. We provide Online Counseling for DepressionBreakupsWork Stress,Anxiety, Relationship ProblemsMarriageParenting Challenges and more. 

couples counselling
couples counselling

BetterLYF couples counselling can help improve the condition of your relationship. A lot of couples tend to seek therapy as a final resort or a last-ditch effort when nothing else appears to be working for them. Visit the website to know how counselling can help you deal with your relationship problems.


A week dedicated to all women across the globe.

Oprah has dealt with a lot throughout her public life—criticism about her weight, racism, intrusive questions about her sexuality, just to name a few—but she never let it get in the way of her ambition and drive. When you look at her childhood, her personal triumphs are cast in an even more remarkable light.

Growing up, Oprah was reportedly a victim of sexual abuse and was repeatedly molested by her cousin, an uncle, and a family friend. Later, she became pregnant and gave birth to a child at age 14, who passed away just two weeks later. But Oprah persevered, going on to finish high school as an honors student, earning a full scholarship to college, and working her way up through the ranks of television, from a local network anchor in Nashville to an international superstar and creator of her OWN network.

Women Empowerment | Online Counselling By BetterLYF

The female population makes up almost half of the worlds. It is of most importance that women also enjoy equal chances in all walks of life and have true liberty to make their own decisions. 


Empowering women psychologically by counseling process would include working on building their self-esteem and self-efficacy by focusing on how they see themselves.




What is Misogyny? BetterLYF Wellness Coach

Misogynistic leanings additionally influence the mental health of culprits of hatred and violence as well as lowering attitudes toward women. Men who can’t love women will usually think that it’s hard to continue durable, healthy intimate relations with women. Learn more about Misogynistic personality and how to identify one. Click on the link.





Generation Gap | Online Counselling By BetterLYF

If you got the question what is a generation gap and how it affects you and your relationship with your elders? In short word, you can understand it as follow, A generation gap refers to the chasm that separates the thoughts expressed by members of two different generations. Know in details and answers to all your question. Visit the link - https://www.betterlyf.com/parenting/generation-gap.php

Source: http://www.betterlyf.com

Tamil Love Quotes | BetterLYF Online Counselling

Beautiful love quotes in Tamil are best suitable for romantic status and when it comes to share your feeling with your loved one. Here we have shared some beautiful and famous love quotes in Tamil for our Tamil friends. Check out the link


Source: http://www.betterlyf.com

New Year Better You

The key to a successful New Year's resolution is to set yourself up for success. Read how you can this make this year Better For you. 

Source: http://www.betterlyf.com
We are the creators of our own lives.
We are the creators of our own lives.

We are the creators of our own lives.
Feel free to create a good one.

Online Counseling for DepressionBreakupsWork Stress,Anxiety, Relationship ProblemsMarriageParenting Challenges and more. You can speak to counsellor anytime of the day for Counseling, Assessment and Consultation. Chat on Betterlyf.com

Source: http://www.betterlyf.com
true feelings
true feelings

Instead of ignoring how you feel,
It is important you acknowledge your feelings.

Get the help, You can speak to a counselor any time of the day for Counseling, Assessment, and Consultation. Reach us on https://www.betterlyf.com/

Source: http://www.betterlyf.com
relationship counselling
relationship counselling

Every single person wants to experience happiness, but some times some obstacle comes in your way and make it hard to achieve happiness. But the best part of being happy that true happiness comes from within and you need someone who can remind you about that, someone who can guide you and make you believe in yourself. A counsellor or emotional health coach can be one whom you can discuss your feelings. The various platform where you can find a counsellor, but now there is a trend for online counselling. Online Counselling, where you can talk to a counsellor remotely, be it at home, on a commute, or in any place with an Internet connection.

BetterLYF is one of the best online counselling and therapy services provider that is helping clients to overcome their mental health-related problems. If you are having problems like depression, breakups, work Stress, anxiety, relationship problems, marriage, parenting challenges and more.

Source: http://www.betterlyf.com

Life is a reflection of what you choose to see!

Reach out on +919266626435 or chat on BetterLYF.com

Marriage Counseling | BetterLYF Online Counselling Services

What is the marriage counselling? Marriage counseling, also known as couples therapy, is a type of counselling where a marriage counselor helps couples recognize and resolve conflicts and improve their relationships. In a marriage counseling couple can make thoughtful decisions about rebuilding and strengthening their relationship or going their separate ways.

Marriage counseling generally includes both partners, but sometimes a partner chooses to work alone with a therapist. If you need help with your marriage or relationship then you can consider booking a session with a marriage counselor. Due to advancement of technology now you can consider online marriage counseling like BetterLYF.

BetterLYF got well trained and professional counselor that can help you to deal with your marriage problems. Know more about BetterLYF online counseling and therapy services on +919266626435 Visit the website to know more.

marriage counselling
marriage counselling

Can my marriage be saved? Yes, it can. You can save your marriage before its fall apart, One session of Marriage Counseling will help you deal with your marriage problems. Know more about marriage counseling visit the website.  


Source: http://www.betterlyf.com

Enhance Confidence With BetterLYF

Do you feel anxious in giving a speech on stage? Do you often feel you are not “good enough” or “ worthy”? Are you self critical of your looks? All of these are manifestations of low confidence and a sign that our confidence needs a boost. You should consider BetterLYF online counselling to enhance confidence. Click on the link to know more about online counselling

Source: http://www.betterlyf.com

Couples Counseling Online | Betterlyf Online Counseling

BetterLYF Couples Counseling helps a couple to find out the roots of their problems and get the right help to remove them permanently. Most people who work at their relationships make it better, but as per data, couples wait too long to get help often end up divorce or a breakup. Marriage or relationship counseling sessions with BetterLYF Counselor help you learn critical relationship skills to get back on the right track. BetterLYF helps you reconnect with your spouse, communicate more productively, navigate confrontation, recover from conflicts or contention, and help you win the trust and love of your partner.

Know more about our online couple counseling services. Visit BetterLYF or call on +919266626435 to get help for you our loved one.


Source: http://www.betterlyf.com

What is PTSD?

What is PTSD? PTSD is a condition which is brought on when you undergo a traumatic event. Know more about PTSD here. 

Source: http://www.betterlyf.com